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Sites across our region are measured for the amount of litter pressure they are under.

report card healthy waters dry tropics townsville ross river great barrier reef north qld magnetic island harbour health


report card healthy waters dry tropics townsville ross river great barrier reef north qld magnetic island harbour health



For the 2024 Report Card, litter was collected at 26 sites in our reporting region.

The data used to calculate the litter grades comes from Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database (AMDI) and is collected by volunteers and partners through the ReefClean program, funded through the Australian Government’s Reef Trust.​​​


Sites under ‘very high pressure’ include Big Rock and Picnic Bays on Orpheus Island; and Fig Tree Bay on Orpheus is under ‘high pressure’.

In Townsville, Ross Creek, Lake Idalia, and Bushland and Shelly Beaches are under ‘Moderate pressure’. The same is true of Fantome Island within the Palm Group and Florence Bay at Magnetic Island.


The remaining 17 sites received ‘low’ or ‘very low pressure’ grades, a welcomed increase from the previous year where only 11 sites were subject to lower grades of litter pressure.

Of notable improvement, Horseshoe Bay at Magnetic Island, went from ‘high pressure’ to ‘very low pressure’ over the reporting year.

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© 2024 Healthy Waters Partnership for the Dry Tropics. All Rights reserved.
The Healthy Waters Partnership acknowledges the Wulgurukaba, Bindal, Nywaigi, and Manbarra people as the
Traditional Custodians of the land and sea country in which we work, and we pay our respects to their Elders, past and present.

Photography is thanks to: Phil Copp, Katie Zamykal, Cassie Bishop, Carys Morgans, Sam Gibbs, and Tourism and Events Queensland.

Contact us

1 Benwell Rd, South Townsville

QLD 4810 Australia

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